Thursday, November 16, 2006

Adventures in broadband

So I finally decided to get broadband. Seems that I can't keep up my geek cred without it. Oh and I'm simply getting annoyed waiting for dial up.

A quick blat through a number of websites showed that TelstraClear cable seemed to have the best deal. 2Mbps both ways, 1GB cap for something like $20/month. I'm being vague because the various package deals make the numbers a little difficult to compare. Going from a Telecom+Sky package to a TelstraClear phone+internet package is just strange.

Because I also wanted wireless I ordered a LinkSys WRT54G from an online store, PC Online Store. Strangely, two days later a LinkSys ADSL wireless router turned up. Definitely not a WRT54G and no use to me. I rang up the supplier, told him the problem and he told me he'd switched the orders with someone and asked me to send the router back to him. Which I duly did last Friday.

Haven't seen anything come back yet. Sent the guy an email today. No reply.


This saga continues mind you. I rang up the helpful people at TelstraClear and they said that yes, definitely, they could supply me.

Cue Tuesday. Helpful guy comes round with his two offsiders. First question is whether I already have TelstraClear service. No, I say. Oh, he says. Turns out that TelstraClear thinks we already have a connection yet we don't. So now I'm waiting for the underground crew to show up and tell me if I get to have cable or not. I'm told it's not likely.

So, I'm not doing very well on the broadband front...