Saturday, December 13, 2008

Romance in the 21st century

A friend and I were having an email discussion about nice guys and dating. I came across this article (hat tip: Arts and Letters Daily) which seemed to rather nicely sum it up. Unfortunately, it came to no particular conclusion as to what might be done, but c'est la vie.

Now I must get back to exorcising my nice guy tendancies...


Blogger Stephanie said...

I hate the kind of viewpoint that this article is talking about. It's so thoroughly misogynistic, and I've seen texts analysing dating/marriage for women that were thoroughly misandric as well, so that I seriously wonder why all these people aren't joining monasteries or the military and saving themselves the heartache. What, I ask, is wrong with meeting someone you quite like, and telling them so?

Also, I don't think dating cynicism is as new as this columnist is making it out to be - I've read jaded cynical texts about relationships that were written over 2000 years ago.

14/12/08 20:43  
Blogger Edward Sargisson said...

"What, I ask, is wrong with meeting someone you quite like, and telling them so?"

As soon as a girl realises you're more than slightly interested any attraction she might have had for you ends. This is especially true if you do nice things for her or act in any predictable fashion.

I've (re-)learnt that lesson the hard way this year.

I think it's a dominance thing. i.e. girls are subconsciously looking for dominance. If a guy pays them attention without them having to work for it then girls must conclude that he must have low dominance.
If they have to work for it then, clearly, he must have other options for his time and higher dominance.

15/12/08 15:42  

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