Sunday, November 13, 2005

Quoted without permission

(Yes, I know, I'm even quoting my own sister's blogs without permission.)

I've been reading Bill Clinton's biography, My life, recently and I came across this quote which I thought was useful.

I had also learned that winning elections as a progressive requires great care and discipline in crafting and presenting a message and a program that gives people the confidence to change course. Our society can absorb only so much change at a time, and when we move forward we must do it in a way that reaffirms our core convictions of oportunity and responsibility, work and family, strength and compassion - the value that have been the bedrock of America's success. Most people have their hands full raising their kids, doing their jobs, and playing the bills. They don't think about government policy as much as liberals do, nor are they as obsesed with power as the new right conservatives. They have a lot of common sense, and a desire to understand the large forces shaping their lives, but can't be expected to abandon the values and social arrangements that at least enable them to survive and feel good about themselves.
From Clinton, William: My life: Alfred A. Knopf: New York (2004)

I think that passage quite well describes why the Labour party almost lost the last election. Labour has implemented a large amount of social change fairly quickly and the curious thing is that people who it is meant to help are starting to complain about it. This is what I say in talking to various people before the election and I could never understand it. However, Clinton's words seem to explain it rather nicely, don't you think?

I found an interesting quote on David Slack's blog, Public Address, attributed to Llew at Sunnyo.

Women are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. Most men don't want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just take the rotten apples from the ground that aren't as good, but easy to pick up...

The apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they're amazing. They just have to wait for the right man to come along - the one who's brave enough to climb all the way to the top of the tree.

Share this with other women who are good apples, even those who have already been picked.

Now Men...

Men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it's up to women to stomp the shit out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.

Oh, and when is The Amazing Race: Family Edition actually going to get out of the United States? We're two episodes in and we've made it, what, 200km? Repeat after me: The U.S. is not the entire world.


Blogger Stephanie said...

"Oh, and when is The Amazing Race: Family Edition actually going to get out of the United States? We're two episodes in and we've made it, what, 200km? Repeat after me: The U.S. is not the entire world."
OK, I just watched my first episode of The Amazing Race. Well, half watched while I was doing some sewing, anyway, and my big question is Why.

Why would anybody willingly go on that race? - it's the family trip from hell. Why would anybody willingly watch the show? - it's a bunch of families squabbling amongst themselves. Prolonged arguments just aren't that interesting. The last family in was apparently very upset at being kicked out. Why on earth weren't they celebrating?


27/11/05 20:34  
Blogger theamazingcatherine said...

Actually, the apples at the top of the tree are mingy, under-nourished, and garishly coloured from too much sun.

For a _really good_ apple, you need to peek under the thick leaves on the lower boughs that modestly cover the lush beauties too shy to put out.

29/11/05 21:15  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Trust [i]you[/i] to take a poetic metaphor and twist it into something crude in the interests of accuracy and lewdness. Henry Purcell would have been proud of you.


2/12/05 15:09  

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