Thursday, January 26, 2006

On happiness

The following essay from Paul Graham, How to do what you love, was posted to Slashdot recently. It's a really well written, pithy journeyman explanation of what's turned up in happiness research. In many ways I think it shows Paul's genius that he got so very close to what can be found in Dr. Martin Seligmann's Authentic Happiness. Both Paul's article and Marty's book are very highly recommended and well worth reading.

Although I must note that all this research on happiness seems a very 21st century, very middle class thing to do. I suspect that we didn't have the time nor money nor opportunity before.

Actually, I came across the blog of my friend Alasdair. He's an interesting fellow who's done almost the same thing as my sister Steph. He is/was an engineer who got a bit bored with it and decided to do an arts degree. His blog is very interesting because it's interesting seeing him apply his intellect to the arts.

Makes me wonder if I should go off and do something random. Work's rather boring and frustrating at the moment but hopefully that will pass.


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